Main Street, Beeford, Driffield, East Riding of Yorkshire YO25 8AY

01262 488 444

Beeford Church Of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School

All Known, All Cared for, All Contributing.


Our subject lead for PSHE is North Frodingham Year 5/6 Teacher Mrs Robinson

As we are federated with North Frodingham Primary School some subjects share a subject lead between both schools.



At Beeford CE (VC) Primary School with our PSHE education we aim to teach children to take responsibility for themselves and their environment by giving them the knowledge to make informed decisions. Through our curriculum we aim to develop and raise self-esteem; explore and promote strategies for healthy lifestyles and patterns of behaviour; develop good relationships and respect for the differences between people and cultures and learn to respect their environment and that of a wider world.  By building an understanding of the nature of community and the variety of communities to which they and other people belong, it prepares them to play an active role as citizens now and in the future.


At Beeford School we believe that successful PSHE/ RSE education can have a positive impact on the whole child, including their academic development and progress, by mitigating any social and emotional barriers to learning and building confidence and self-esteem.

Evidence suggests that successful PSHE/ RSE education also helps disadvantaged and vulnerable children achieve to a greater extent by raising aspirations and empowering them with skills to overcome barriers they face.

Our PSHE and RSE scheme of work is planned to enable us to achieve a whole-school approach to positively, impact wellbeing, safeguarding and SMSC outcomes. Ensuring that all children can develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to succeed at school and in the wider world.


PSHE lessons are planned in units as part of a themed approach and stand-alone sessions. We use the PSHE Association Programme of Study for PSHE Education (Jan 2020) as our starting point alongside the Twinkl Life PSHE and Citizenship education scheme of work throughout school years 1 to 6. This scheme of work and all of its resources have been produced to be fully in line with the Learning Outcomes and Core Themes outlined in the 2020 PSHE Association Programme of Study . The EYFS work to the standards in the PSED area of their curriculum, details of which can be found in the curriculum policy. A progression of skills has been mapped for each key stage and is used to ensure that children have opportunities to improve their work, revisit themes and topics and progress further. Revisiting key themes enables children to reflect, evaluate and consolidate their thinking. The school takes every opportunity to celebrate key events in PSHE; including national, local and significant school events. Each year the school choses a charity to support to further develop compassion and empathy.


Our PSHE/ RSE work aims to equip children with essential skills for life. It aims to develop the whole child through carefully planned and resourced lessons that develop the knowledge, skills and attributes children need to protect and enhance their wellbeing. Children will learn how to stay safe and healthy, build and maintain successful relationships and become active citizens, responsibly participating in society around them. A successful PSHE / RSE curriculum is a vital tool in preparing children for life in society now and in the future.


PSHE Progression