Our Curriculum
On this page you can view our whole school curriculum statement. To find out more about a particular subject area please visit the subject page from the drop down menu above. If you would like to know more about any aspect of our curriculum please contact the Headteacher via the school office.
Beeford CE (VC) Primary School is a Church School and is committed to Christian values at the heart of all it does. The school community has chosen ‘Compassion, Friendship and Creation’ as its core values and our curriculum is designed to support this and to enable every child, including the most disadvantaged and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to achieve their very best, develop skills, build knowledge and engage in a lifelong love of learning.
Through our curriculum the children are actively encouraged to take on leadership responsibility and develop empathy through our committee structures, house system, charity work, outdoor learning and sports participation.
Throughout their time at Beeford CE (VC) Primary School our children will be immersed in creativity, active learning and citizenship. There is a strong emphasis on Christian Values and how these link to all areas of school life. Underpinning this is the ambitious teaching and learning of key skills to allow each child to build upon prior knowledge and progress from individual starting points.
Beeford CE (VC) Primary School is a happy school and our curriculum is designed to facilitate this through opportunities to discover talents, explore the world around them and support and learn from one another. On leaving Beeford CE (VC) Primary School our children will be confident, supportive, empathetic and determined learners with a strong moral compass; equipped and ready to face the challenges of the future
Beeford CE (VC) Primary School is committed to meeting the statutory requirements of the Primary National Curriculum in English, Mathematics, Science, Art and design, Computing, Design and Technology, Geography, History, Languages, Music, Religious Education, Physical Education, PSHE and MFL in Key Stage 2. The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage is followed in our Foundation Stage Unit.
Our subjects are led by Curriculum teams for Humanities, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and Creativity. Our whole school team, both at Beeford CE (VC) Primary School and across the federation withNorth Frodingham Primary School, has been developed over time to strengthen our ethos and vision - working together to reflect upon our curriculum, monitor outcomes and drive forward next steps.
As well as ensuring we cover all that is legally entitled, we have devised our curriculum with a focus on high quality teaching; to incorporate key skills, learning styles, our immediate environments, technological development and interests of our children. This enables us to provide a varied and full curriculum that encourages children to engage, connect new and existing knowledge and develop fluency to apply this knowledge as skills in order to achieve their full potential.
The school uses Bug Club phonics as its chosen phonics scheme. Our core reading scheme is Bug club, phonics based for early reading. Supplementary books include a range of schemes including Rising Stars and Oxford Reading Tree, these books are carefully matched to each child’s individual levels. The school purchases a range of electronic programmes to support the curriculum, including Bug Club, Mathletics, Purple Mash and Sumdog.
Collaborative Links with North Frodingham Primary School has increased the range of visits and visitors for our children. This has included work with First Aid providers, STEM ambassadors, Murton Park Museum, Musicians, Poets, Authors and Illustrators.
Each year the school choses a Charity to support over the academic year. This year this is the Pyjama Fairies. In the past the school has supported NSPCC, Age UK, JDRF, Hornsea Inshore Rescue and Jacob’s Well.
We are particularly proud of the respect and care that our children show for one another, the environment and the community around us.
Pupils are formally assessed at the end of Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 (Y2 and Y6); parents will be Informed of their child’s results as part of the annual report to Parents. Children are assessed at the end of the Foundation Stage although this is less formal and takes its evidence from observational assessments.
When leaving our school our children will have confidently developed a set of skills, knowledge, and Christian values which can be used to succeed in education and life.
We monitor progress carefully to ensure pupils are on track to reach the ambitious expectations of our curriculum and are prepared for their next stage in learning. Teacher assessment is on-going and assists in planning work appropriate to each individual, group or the class. Children are assessed at the beginning and end of each year in Reading, Spelling and Maths. We use Aspects, Wellcomm, Rising Stars, NTS Assessments to support our assessment judgements.
We are proud to have the following accreditations: Platinum Schools Games Mark, Fairtrade School award, Healthy Schools award, Basic skills Quality Mark, Archbishop of York Young Leaders Award a School Mental Health award and most recently a Primary Quality Mark in Science, which recognises our whole school approach to providing a broad and balanced curriculum for our children.